September 2014 Newsletter
September 2014 Newsletter
Travel Ideas
This month I have been busy updating my "Mosaics Around the World" section on my website with further ideas for New Zealand and Australia. I have also included a section on the famous La Maison de Picassiette created by Raymond Isidore in Chatres, France. This creation is a fabulous example of the addictive nature of mosaics - I know that if it wasn't for my husband's input and sanity my house could be in danger of becoming covered from top to toe with mosaics!!!
Raymond Isidore, the municipal cemetery sweeper from Chartres, France, died fifty years ago and left behind his creation, the Maison Picassiette.
One day in 1938, when he was out taking a walk, Isidore found some pieces of crockery that drew his attention. He took them home—and began a mosaic project that would continue for almost thirty years.
For the first seven years Isidore decorated the interior of his house, covering every surface in broken crockery and glass, including the walls, floors, ceilings, and all of the furniture.
In 1945, he began work on the exterior, building a chapel, a throne, and an enclosure wall—all of which he also decorated. His designs include representations of Christian symbols and characters, animals, a view of Jerusalem, and illustrations of various cathedrals, including the famed cathedral of Chartres, located across the hill from his property.
In interviews, Isidore explained he saw in dreams the patterns, persons, and buildings he would later depict in mosaic.
Isidore gathered the materials he needed for his mosaics from garbage dumps. Townspeople began to call him “Picassiette,” likely a twist on pique-assiette (scavenger) and also a witty reference to Picasso and assiette(plate).
This year, the 3R association will be paying a tribute to Raymond Isidore’s life.
The 3R association will be holding the 10th event of Les Recontres Internationales de Mosaique at the Chapel Saint Fulbert from 18th October until 9th November. This prestigious event is exhibiting the work of 240 mosaic artists from around the world, and more than 10,000 visitors are expected.
Information about this wonderful event can be found here:
So if you are going to France I highly recommend both the festival and a visit to La Maison de Picassiette
One day in 1938, when he was out taking a walk, Isidore found some pieces of crockery that drew his attention. He took them home—and began a mosaic project that would continue for almost thirty years.
For the first seven years Isidore decorated the interior of his house, covering every surface in broken crockery and glass, including the walls, floors, ceilings, and all of the furniture.
In 1945, he began work on the exterior, building a chapel, a throne, and an enclosure wall—all of which he also decorated. His designs include representations of Christian symbols and characters, animals, a view of Jerusalem, and illustrations of various cathedrals, including the famed cathedral of Chartres, located across the hill from his property.
In interviews, Isidore explained he saw in dreams the patterns, persons, and buildings he would later depict in mosaic.
Isidore gathered the materials he needed for his mosaics from garbage dumps. Townspeople began to call him “Picassiette,” likely a twist on pique-assiette (scavenger) and also a witty reference to Picasso and assiette(plate).
This year, the 3R association will be paying a tribute to Raymond Isidore’s life.
The 3R association will be holding the 10th event of Les Recontres Internationales de Mosaique at the Chapel Saint Fulbert from 18th October until 9th November. This prestigious event is exhibiting the work of 240 mosaic artists from around the world, and more than 10,000 visitors are expected.
Information about this wonderful event can be found here:
So if you are going to France I highly recommend both the festival and a visit to La Maison de Picassiette
New Products
I have added some wonderful tile mixes to the "Glass Tile Mix" section on the website. Here you will find mixes of vitreous, metallic, iridescent and van gogh tiles available two sizes - packs of 50 tiles or packs of 100 tiles. These packs are great value and a must to store in your treasure chest of goodies for your next project.
You can view them here: tile mixes
You can view them here: tile mixes
A big thank you to the ladies who joined me for the first Tapestry Mirror class. Their creations were fantastic.
Upcoming classes are:
Beginner's class - Saturday 13th September in New Lynn - to join us for this class click here
Beginner's class - Saturday 27th September in Birkenhead - to join us for this class click here
I would love you to join us so book your place today.
I am working on details for another Tapestry Mirror class and a Mosaic Shoe class so watch out for the information on these.
Upcoming classes are:
Beginner's class - Saturday 13th September in New Lynn - to join us for this class click here
Beginner's class - Saturday 27th September in Birkenhead - to join us for this class click here
I would love you to join us so book your place today.
I am working on details for another Tapestry Mirror class and a Mosaic Shoe class so watch out for the information on these.