April 2014 Newsletter

Lovely New Products
A big yippee - My missing freight was found and delivered to me today - so I'm surrounded by packets of gorgeous iridescent and stained glass tiles. I'll be sorting, photographing and putting them up on the website as soon as I possibly can. These tiles allow the mosaic to reflect light and colour in a way that other tiles cannot.
For something a bit different you could try using these tiles, together with metallic tiles, and by placing them very close together you could leave the piece ungrouted. This method is usually only used with smalti but I recently attended a lecture by renowned mosaic artist, Elaine Goodwin, and she uses these tiles along with venetian gold (a little out of my budget) to gain a playful myriad of light radiating from and over the mosaic.
To find out more about this fabulous artist visit: www.elainemgoodwin.co.uk/
A big yippee - My missing freight was found and delivered to me today - so I'm surrounded by packets of gorgeous iridescent and stained glass tiles. I'll be sorting, photographing and putting them up on the website as soon as I possibly can. These tiles allow the mosaic to reflect light and colour in a way that other tiles cannot.
For something a bit different you could try using these tiles, together with metallic tiles, and by placing them very close together you could leave the piece ungrouted. This method is usually only used with smalti but I recently attended a lecture by renowned mosaic artist, Elaine Goodwin, and she uses these tiles along with venetian gold (a little out of my budget) to gain a playful myriad of light radiating from and over the mosaic.
To find out more about this fabulous artist visit: www.elainemgoodwin.co.uk/

Congratulations to Rebecca Lovegrove from Ruakaka - the winner of this beautiful trivet.
I hope you all had fun with the tiles you purchased during the month of March.
Congratulations to Rebecca Lovegrove from Ruakaka - the winner of this beautiful trivet.
I hope you all had fun with the tiles you purchased during the month of March.

April Competition
To celebrate the wonderful projects you are all making I thought for the month of April I would offer a $20 package of tiles to the winner of the photo competition. Simply send in a photo of your finished mosaic to go into the draw to win. Send your entries to: [email protected]
To celebrate the wonderful projects you are all making I thought for the month of April I would offer a $20 package of tiles to the winner of the photo competition. Simply send in a photo of your finished mosaic to go into the draw to win. Send your entries to: [email protected]

Up Coming Classes
Satisfy an ambition to express your creativity with a fabulous, non threatening mosaic class. A class is a great way to experience a taste of mosaic with an experienced, friendly tutor to guide you each step of the way. I would love it if you could join me.
The next classes will be:
Pt Chevalier - 17th May, 9.30 - 4.30
Waiuku - 24th May, 9.30 - 4.30
If you would like to sign up for any of these classes just send me an email ([email protected]) or visit www.everythingmosaic.co.nz for all the details.
Satisfy an ambition to express your creativity with a fabulous, non threatening mosaic class. A class is a great way to experience a taste of mosaic with an experienced, friendly tutor to guide you each step of the way. I would love it if you could join me.
The next classes will be:
Pt Chevalier - 17th May, 9.30 - 4.30
Waiuku - 24th May, 9.30 - 4.30
If you would like to sign up for any of these classes just send me an email ([email protected]) or visit www.everythingmosaic.co.nz for all the details.
What is the right adhesive for the job? There are many adhesives to choose from but the most common are:
PVA - this is a white glue that dries clear.
What is the right adhesive for the job? There are many adhesives to choose from but the most common are:
PVA - this is a white glue that dries clear.
- Definitely a good choice for all flat interior pieces.
- Just be aware that it is not suitable if you experience frosts in your area.
- It is used to seal wood before placing your tiles - use diluted 50:50 with water
- Is suitable for all exterior work and work that is on a vertical.
- This paste can be applied like icing. Simply place it in a plastic bag and cut a corner (just like an icing bag) and squeeze.
- This is a great adhesive for using on glass projects.
- It dries clear, is waterproof and flexible.
- It is suitable for use on mirror tiles as it won't de-silver the back. Make sure the back of the tile is completed coated so that grout cannot seep under the edges and spoil the effect.
- suitable for internal and external mosaic work and comes in two parts, a hardener and resin that are mixed together just before use.
- Extremely strong adhesive and the only adhesive that will permanently stick tesserae to metal.
- Great for outdoor applications which are constantly wet (eg birdbaths)
- Can hold heavy tesserae pieces
- Produces a lot of fumes and must be used in a well ventilated space.
- Can be tricky to work with, as it is extremely sticky. Not for beginners.